
FEBRIS has a broad experience in guiding or executing the projects listed below within numerous sectors. We work for small and medium-sized companies, large companies and multinationals in the three regions of Belgium (Flanders, Brussels and the Walloon region) and also abroad.industry-611668_1920

Environmental legislation

  • Integrated environmental permit application and follow-up

The legislator requires companies to have an integrated environmental permit to pursue certain activities or to store certain substances. If you are planning to start new activities, or to move certain activities to another location, then you will need to apply for a permit or submit a notification. Maybe you hold a permit, but the permitted activities do not longer correspond to the current situation in your company, because certain activities have been moved, extended or amended. It is important to know if your company still has all the necessary permits, and what procedure needs to be followed in order to regularize your permitting status.

After a thorough review of the permitting situation, we will prepare the complete permit application and discuss your case with the relevant government. Also in the course of the authorisation process we follow your application file until the final decision by the government.

  • Advise related to the implementation of environmental permit requirements

water management can be part of feasibility study.In addition to the general and sectoral conditions, the government can also include special requirements in your permit. For example, carrying out a feasibility study for buffering and using rainwater, installing a treatment system or carrying out noise -and emission measurements. We offer the necessary support for the implementation of these requirements.

  • Follow-up of periodic legal requirements (e.g. Vlarebo, ISA, Vlarema, Vlarem)
  • Follow-up of sector- and company-specific actual and future environmental legislation (legislation registers on Federal, National and European level)

Environmental audits

  • Legal Compliance audit

Do you want to know to what extent your business is in compliance with the environmental legal requirements today? Are you planning to acquire a business and would you like to know if this company is in compliance with the legal requirements? Do you want to know what the financial impact of future obligations will be?

Based on a thorough investigation on site, we issue a good overview of all (potential) deficiencies and concerns with regard to legal requirements and draw up a concrete action plan, which can be used immediately.


  • Fulfill the role of external environmental coordinator

Febris Biorisk is recognized as environmental coordinator type A and B by the Flemish Minister of Environment.

We cover the full range of tasks of the environmental coordinator for your business, from the follow-up of legal obligations as well as providing advice to projects and investments.

  • Support the internal environmental coordinator

The internal environmental coordinator has not always sufficient time and resources to follow up all environmental requirements, certainly if he or she has to combine this task with other functions within the company.

We keep the internal environmental coordinator informed about new and future legal obligations and offer him/her the necessary support and advice in the implementation of environmental measures and the reporting of environmental data to the government.

environmental coordinator